Technical engineering Fanavaran Syraf Co. as the first and the only research/manufacturing company of Persian marine industry offer services in private section with more than a decade in the field of vessel building, subsidiaries equipments manufacturing as well as offering professional, operational and training consultancies.The most important fact is that the Quality Management of ISO/TS 29001:2007 and ISO 9001:2008 is established according to ***** classification society, enjoying different teams of experienced and professional personnel not only to represent the largest private company of manufacturing vessels' equipments and in shore installations, but also to provide the only marine Persian super market in the country.The major fields of the company activities are as following:1.Designation and manufacturing of marine equipments in different types in sub branches of Electrical, Electronic, Safety and Navigational.2.Providing a range of equipments for the vessels, in shore and offshore installations through the mentioned marine super market.3.Being the first builder of fast, luxury and crew boats of HSC type in the private section of the country.4.Offering professional consultancies for many of the marine projects, ship builders, ships equipments as well as major projects.5.Being the first and the only manufacturer of power boards for the vessels, inshore and offshore installations according to B.V. and other classification societies approvals.To fulfill the requirements of the above demanding items, we offer the services through the following internal departments:R & D:As the first established R&D department in the private section, formed up with the company foundation. Designation of marine equipments' manufacturing process, production programming, leading of ship building technical department, providing research consultancies to other marine industries such as ship builders and inshore/offshore industries are the most important