Shirin DarouCompany was established in 1971 in the suburbs ofShiraz, and in 1976 started production. The products of thiscompany include licorice extracts in the form of spray-driedpowder, solid blocks, and liquid with different levels of activecomponents according to the customers' order. The products ofShirin Darou are exported to different parts of the world includingEuropean countries, China, Canada, Egypt, and UAE and etc. With ahistory of excellent quality and quantity of products. During thepast decades Shirin Darou has been chosen as exemplary exporter inboth national and provincial levels. Shirin Darou has always putthe satisfaction of the customer on the top of its programs and hasimproved the production quality and received international ISO9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 10002, HACCP as well as Halalcertificate.This company has a strong and up to date R&Ddepartment, and in addition to increasing the quality and quantityof the regular products , its current development program is theproduction of new and world class licorice products.Produce &Export Best Quality Licorice Extract Block , Licorice ExtractPowder , Licorice Extract Granule , Licorice Extract Liquid ,Licorice Extract Nugget and etc to all over the world.