• Pawel Tarczynski

    Mysloborska 24 a /1 Warszawa,

    I sell different products, jewerly, watches, viedeos and cameras. I have just started with my company and I count on dynamic development.

    Wadowicka 12 / 40

    We are the wholesale and retail contact lens distributors specifically focused on providing brand name lenses, such as Acuvue, Air Optix, Focus Dailies, Biofinity, Soflens, Pure Vision, I-Lux Innova Colour Vue lenses to online retailers stores eye ...
  • Tadek Chmielewski

    ul. sw. Pawla 13/15 Czestochowa,

    Zainteresowany współpraca z Chinami. Dzieki wysokiej jakosc i nieskim kosztom, produkty staja sie atrakcyjne dla mojego rynku zbytu