Since its foundation as a manufacturer of solar products in2002, Jeeyee has been an excellent leader of solar productsdevelopment in the green energy field. Open China and openAmoy - the port near our site has even strengthen Jeeyee'spower in the fierce market. Jeeyee's basic businessphilosophy has allowed Jeeyee to deliver customer-orientedproducts, and has ensured that Jeeyee's products havegained reliability in the quality or service.Jeeyee are committed to serving the specific needs of ourvarious customers. In order to remain the leading providerfor solar products, we are focusing on two keydomains-quality and design. In the process, our customersare empowered to unleash creativity, seize newopportunities and achieve their goals.True excellent companies must foster good relations, notonly with their customers and the communities in which theyoperate, but also with nations and the environment. Theymust also bear the responsibility for the impact of theiractivities on society. For this reason, Jeeyee's goal is tocontribute to the prosperity of the world and the happinessof humanity, which will lead to continuing growth and bringthe world closer to achieving eudemonia.At Jeeyee, we take pride in our history of innovation andin the products that we have contributed to the world.Jeeyee is dedicated to its customers, business partners andemployees and with their collective support, is poised toachieve great success in the new millennium.