Why we created ASTsalesSeveral years ago whilst looking at our huge range of products, itwas evident from constant customer praise and feedback from ourretail suppliers that we had a large number of customers who weresatisfied and enjoyed our products.However, it occurred to us one day, that an end user (the customer)who either didnt have much to spend; lived in a remote area; or didnot live in close proximity to one of our retail outlets, werentable to enjoy our products.Since our business was primarily that of a wholesaler and not opento the general public with limitations, such as selling ourproducts only to retailers who qualified and were required to spendat least 70k p.a, meant that a customer who wanted 1 or 2 productswould miss out.Hence, we developed a website, a platform with the sole aim ofallowing an individual to purchase from our large range of productsfrom anywhere in the world and have it shipped directly to theirdoor.This process has now been in effect for over 10 years and hasproved to be extremely successful. This being evident from thethousands of positive feedback received from customers throughoutthe world.Offering high quality products at an affordable price is our mainaim and we have strived to maintain this level of service from thevery first thought of operationIn a nut shell, if our products can meet the needs of ourcustomers, offer satisfaction and safety then the aim and visionfor our business is being achieved.We owe the success of our business to the customer, you.ASTsales