The international fuel and energy company "Coal of Donbass" entering into IDEAL holding (International company of fuel and energy IDEAL).The company was founded in 2009. Field of activity of the company: wholesale trade in solid fuel. Main products of our company are coal-anthracite, coal. Quality of coal is confirmed by certificates of quality, quality indicators of coal are weekly updated according to data of the laboratory analysis.Coal passes an obligatory stage of enrichment on a production site of the company.The Coal of Donbass company carries out delivery of coal production across all territory of the Russian Federation and abroad by rail, with use of own park of gondola cars. We make coal transportation to the client in the minimum terms, taking into account specifics of freight and features of terms of delivery.Our purpose - creation of the effective and steady company of the international level with hi-tech processing and steady sales channels.We seek not only to provide internal requirements of the South and the Central part of Russia, but also to arrange deliveries of energy resources to the markets of the Urals, Siberia, Transbaikalia, and further – on the markets of our partners of the neighboring countries (Turkey, Bulgaria, Armenia, Georgia and so forth)