• Sibbo

    Heidarholt 5 Keflavik, None

    I am an importer from Iceland looking for almost anything that could be of value me to import here with good profit everyone. Hoping expand into Europe in the near future. Icelandic market is small so quantity would always on a scale compare most other ...
  • Solice

    smidshofdi 1 Rykjavik, gullbr

    LLDPE stretch hay roll filmfield wire fencecanned food goodsaluminium oute side wall panelroad rails
  • Limtre Virnet ehf

    Vikurhvarfi 8 Kopavogur, Kopavogur

    I need roofing windows, roofing membrane, sandwich panel line. Please send me information, we are located in Reykjavik, Iceland.