• AM Perez & Cia SRL

    horacio blanco fombona no. 8 ens. la fe santo domingo, d.n.

    manila cardboard manufacturer we roll, coil width 11 1 / 2 for conversion of office foldersthe base is 95 grams to 145 fob price point, c + f, conditions sale. clearance time and any other information they create our interest ...

    Calle 12, No. 10, # 3b, San Benito, Alameda

    We export / sell motherboards, cell phone pcbs, butyl rubber, cell phone batteries, plastic, and other electronic scrap.
  • Importadex, C Por A

    calle bonaire no. 35 santo domingo, distrito nacional

    my company is customer servise , we import electronic . in our company we giive servise os couurrier