Monday 2 June 2014

What are Ox Gallstones

Cattle(ox) Gallstones vary in size, and are a clay-like substance that develop in the gallbladder of small numbers of cows. Just like in humans, not all cows have gallstones.

As you can see in the pictures, Ox gallstones have a wide variety of size as well shape. The size ranges from a pebble size to the size of a chicken’s egg. The shape ranges from a shape of a pyramid, square to even oval shapes.

Gallstones are collected and are used extensively in oriental medicine, particularly in the treatment of hepatitis and other liver and gallbladder related ailments in humans. Ox gallstones are also used in fever reducers and herbal medicine that serve to detoxify the body.



88973323 What we are discussing here is named ox gallstones. Gallstones are mineral elements (and not organic matter) mainly found in bovines gallbladders.
Ox gallstones are separated into different kinds depending on their size, shape and colour, each of which holds a significant commercial value.

Size / Weight / Shapes / Colours

Gallstones look like stones of various shapes and colours.
Two main shapes : egg-shaped or pyramid-shaped.
Two distinct colours : Orange brown, or dark brown close to brownish black.
Some gallstones can sometimes have the size of a hen-egg (whose weight can reach 100 grs), but the average gallstone can be compared to a pigeon egg, weighing around 10 grams.


Gallstones develop inside a number of bovines, mainly depending on their age and diet.
They are essentially located in the gallbladder.
The bovine race is quite widespread. it includes, depending on the countries: cows, oxen bulls, buffalos, zebus, bisons, yaks, gaurs...


73927921 Ox gallstones are used for the pharmacopeia.
They have a medicinal use thank to their sedative, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
In particular, they are used for hepatic treatment.


assification and external resources
Gallensteine 2006 03 28.JPG
Numerous small gallstones made up largely of cholesterol.
ICD-10 K80
ICD-9 574
OMIM 600803
DiseasesDB 2533
MedlinePlus 000273
MeSH D042882
A gallstone (also called cholelithiasis) is a crystalline concretion formed within the gallbladder by accretion of bile components. These calculi are formed in the gallbladder but may distally pass into other parts of the biliary tract such as the cystic duct, common bile duct, pancreatic duct or the ampulla of Vater. Rarely, in cases of severe inflammation, gallstones may erode through the gallbladder into adherent bowel potentially causing an obstruction termed gallstone ileus.[1]
Presence of gallstones in the gallbladder may lead to acute cholecystitis,[2] an inflammatory condition characterized by retention of bile in the gallbladder and often secondary infection by intestinal microorganisms, predominantly Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Bacteroides species.[3] Presence of gallstones in other parts of the biliary tract can cause obstruction of the bile ducts, which can lead to serious conditions such as ascending cholangitis or pancreatitis. Either of these two conditions can be life-threatening and are therefore considered to be medical emergencies.


Presence of stones in the gallbladder is referred to as cholelithiasis (from the Greek chol- (bile) + lith- (stone) + iasis- (process). If gallstones migrate into the ducts of the biliary tract, the condition is referred to as choledocholithiasis, from the Greek chol- (bile) + docho- (duct) + lith- (stone) + iasis- (process). Choledocholithiasis is frequently associated with obstruction of the biliary tree, which in turn can lead to acute ascending cholangitis, from the Greek: chol- (bile) + ang- (vessel) + itis- (inflammation), a serious infection of the bile ducts. Gallstones within the ampulla of Vater can obstruct the exocrine system of the pancreas, which in turn can result in pancreatitis.

Characteristics and composition

Gallbladder opened to show numerous gallstones. The large, yellow calculus probably comprises cholesterol, while the green-to-brown stones suggest bile pigments, such as biliverdin and stercobilin.
Images of a CT of gallstones

Big gallstone
Gallstones can vary in size and shape from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball.[4] The gallbladder may contain a single large stone or many smaller ones. Pseudoliths, sometimes referred to as sludge, are thick secretions that may be present within the gallbladder, either alone or in conjunction with fully formed gallstones. The clinical presentation is similar to that of cholelithiasis.[citation needed] The composition of gallstones is affected by age, diet and ethnicity.[5] On the basis of their composition, gallstones can be divided into the following types:
Cholesterol stones
Cholesterol stones vary from light yellow to dark green or brown and are oval, between 2 and 3 cm long, each often having a tiny, dark, central spot. To be classified as such, they must be at least 80% cholesterol by weight (or 70%, according to the Japanese- classification system).[6]
Pigment stones
Pigment stones are small and dark and comprise bilirubin and calcium salts that are found in bile. They contain less than 20% of cholesterol (or 30%, according to the Japanese-classification system).[6]
Mixed stones
Mixed gallstones typically contain 20–80% cholesterol (or 30–70%, according to the Japanese- classification system).[6] Other common constituents are calcium carbonate, palmitate phosphate, bilirubin and other bile pigments. Because of their calcium content, they are often radiographically visible.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Health Benefits Of Bitter Kola

Bitter_colaThe bitter kola is a type of kola found in parts of Nigeria. Its biological name is “Garcinia kola” and it belongs to the family of “Guittiferal”. Among the Yorubas, it is called ‘Orogbo’, the Igbos call it ‘Agbilu’, ‘Adi’ or ‘Aki ilu’ while among the Hausas, this very popular nut is known as ‘Namijin Gworo.’
It is a wonderful agricultural product with a wide range of applications in natural and orthodox medicine gathers that bitter kola is a potent antibiotic, which could be effective in the treatment of many ailments and infections.
Dr Bartholomew Brai, Nutritional Biochemist at the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba, Lagos, said that bitter kola was used in the preparation of herbal drugs either as nourishment, supplement or herbal remedy.
Brai said, “If a patient on medication chews bitter kola, it will make the drugs ineffective. Aside this, I do not think bitter kola has any other side effect.
“Bitter kola has lots of health benefits, like the treatment of cough, sneezing, cold, diarrhoeas, tuberculosis, bacterial infection and fever.
“It improves lungs function by expanding the alveolar ducts and sac in the lungs thereby improving and strengthening the fibres in the lung tissue.”
He said that there was no recorded side effect to the regular intake of bitter kola, adding that it was all round medicinal.
So, what are you waiting for? Look for the closest bitter kola seller and buy some for yourself, and even friends.


Bitter Kola also known as Garcinia kola is a tropical flowering plant found in western and central Africa and it produces brown, nut-like seeds. It has been used in African culture for centuries for both traditional and medicinal purposes. It contains dimeric flavonoid, lipase inhibitor which is believed to have many healing benefits.

Cultural and Traditional Uses

Bitter Kola is a masticatory used in traditional hospitality, cultural and social Ceremonies such as naming ceremonies and weddings.

Medicinal Significance

Garcinia kola is used in many tropical countries to fight infectious diseases such as Aids and the Ebola virus. It has shown to posses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Cold Remedy

Garcinia kola is often used to treat the symptoms of colds. It is particularly very effective for coughs, nasal congestions and help coagulate phlegm. It is also effective in alleviating sore throat.


Garcinia kola, is sometimes believed to cure impotence. It increases blood flow to the genital area in men who have hardening of the arteries.

Knee Osteoarthritis

Garcinia kola has been successfully used to treat patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis. It reduced pain and swelling and improved movement


Garcinia kola is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is used to prevent infections and viruses, especially of the immune system.
Weight Loss

Bitter Kola has been known to be a natural hunger suppressant and also increases the urge to drink more water.
Hop Substitute

Garcinia kola is used as a substitute for hops in brewing lager beer. It is especially useful in preventing beer spoilage
Bitter Kola also known as Garcinia kola is a tropical flowering plant found in western and central Africa and it produces brown, nut-like seeds. It has been used in African culture for centuries for both traditional and medicinal purposes. It contains dimeric flavonoid, lipase inhibitor which is believed to have many healing benefits.

Cultural and Traditional Uses

Bitter Kola is a masticatory used in traditional hospitality, cultural and social Ceremonies such as naming ceremonies and weddings.

Medicinal Significance

Garcinia kola is used in many tropical countries to fight infectious diseases such as Aids and the Ebola virus. It has shown to posses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Cold Remedy

Garcinia kola is often used to treat the symptoms of colds. It is particularly very effective for coughs, nasal congestions and help coagulate phlegm. It is also effective in alleviating sore throat.


Garcinia kola, is sometimes believed to cure impotence. It increases blood flow to the genital area in men who have hardening of the arteries.

Knee Osteoarthritis

Garcinia kola has been successfully used to treat patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis. It reduced pain and swelling and improved movement.


Garcinia kola is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is used to prevent infections and viruses, especially of the immune system.
Weight Loss

Bitter Kola has been known to be a natural hunger suppressant and also increases the urge to drink more water.
Hop Substitute

Garcinia kola is used as a substitute for hops in brewing lager beer. It is especially useful in preventing beer spoilage.

"A lot of women in their 20s make the mistake of putting off establishing good eating and fitness habits, but this is the best time to create a foundation of healthy living," says Elizabeth Battaglino Cahill, RN, executive director of NWHRC.

Here are five key health tips from the NWHRC for women

1. Establish an exercise routine (that you enjoy!)

Staying active will help you develop a strong body that looks and feels good as you age. It can lower your risk for disease, reduce stress and protect your bones and joints. So it's important to take part in physical activities that are not only challenging, but also fun and motivating. Keep things interesting by mixing it up; whether it's a dance class or a kayaking trip, don't be afraid to try something new.

CBS's NCIS co-star Cote de Pablo stays in shape by doing a combination of core training and yoga four or five times a week. "I try to find time either in the morning before work or after. I definitely work out on the weekend, because it's the only time I'm sure I won't be working.

2. Maintain healthy eating habits

Stop worrying about your weight, and start thinking about your health. Eating mostly whole foods, including lots of veggies, fruits and whole grains, is the key to feeling and looking your best. Start by adding an additional serving of fruits and vegetables to every meal.

Lower your chance of osteoporosis later by consuming more calcium now. Calcium can be found in dairy products including milk, yogurt and cheese, and also in other foods, such as leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale, broccoli and tofu. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium so it's important to take a supplement, eat foods fortified with vitamin D or take a walk outdoors in the sunshine.

de Pablo shares an eating habit secret that works for her, "If you're going to have a really big meal, make it breakfast and then progressively eat less throughout the day. Do not eat heavy, heavy meals at night. Drink lots of water and lead an active lifestyle."

3. Protect your skin

You're never too young to start taking care of your skin. Healthy habits today will pay off in later years. The key to healthy skin lies beyond which soap you use. It depends on what you eat, whether you exercise, how much stress you're under and even the kind of environment in which you live and work. Eating a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, wearing sunscreen and getting regular body scans by a dermatologist can keep you looking young and feeling good as you age.

4. Get a good night's sleep

Not getting enough sleep can interfere with your memory and ability to reason and concentrate, make you more susceptible to injury, increase stress levels and reduce your body's ability to fight infection or heal. If you have trouble getting a good night's rest, try going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day or taking a hot shower before bed.

5. Manage stress

It's easy to get overwhelmed with balancing a new job, friends and everything else happening in your life. Breathe; slow, deep, diaphragmatic breaths can trigger a relaxation response in your whole body.

Garcinia kola nuts

We have in stock very fresh Bitter Kola nuts an Agro medicinal product for exportation
Bitter Kola (Garcinia Kola) is an Agro medicinal product.It belong to the kola family..
It contains crude protein  n x 6.25 ; 8.06% and  nitrogen-free Extract; 86.23%.
Bitter Kola is mainly use for:
-  production of pharmaceutical drug
- production of energy and soft drinks
- use as herb locally for treatment of illness.
 It is used for food purposes apart from serving as a raw material in pharmaceutical industries for production of drugs.
Bitter kola is always required in two forms, fresh or dried. However, this depend on the buyers.
We are Agro medicin dealers, we deal in export of bitter kola. We are open to any bitter kola exporting offer to any country.
Our product is cheap and negotiable in term of pricing, pacakging, quality control, payment term and more
Bitter Kola (Garcinia Kola)
Quick Details
Place of Origin: Nigeria
Brand Name: Bitter Kola
Minimum Order: 50kg
Supply Ability: 2000kg per month
FOB Price: USD 18 - 25 per kg
Packaging & Delivery
Detail: Packaging of this product depend
on the client or buyer's request,
for there is no standard packaging
Delivery Detail: 5 to 7 working days by air after obtaining export order.
Payment terms: Western union/Money gram