The Plant

The very core of the project is an organization of production on former East Siberian refractory plant, using the DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) technology on solid fuels (coal), and creation of its own raw material base. Designed capacity of the plant is 390 tons of DRI. The project aims to create an effective DRI production with implementation of trendsetting technologies, which are not currently used in Russia.
Industrial site for this start-up venture is situated on the territory of the former East Siberian Refractory Plant (Irkutsk region, Mikhailovka)






You can contact us by phone —
8 (901) 631-75-95;

Our address —
665448, Иркутская область, Черемховский р-н, пос. Михайловка, ОАО ВСОЗ;

Representative Office in Moscow: —
115093, Moscow, Party Lane, 1, Building 58, s 3,

Phone in Moscow: —
8 (495) 981-85-75

Email: —