Konark Industrial Corporation
India - Punjab: Manufacturer / Trading Company / Importer / Exporter
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Welcome to Konark Industrial Corporation website.

Konark Industrial Corporation was established long back in 1982 and since than the group is serving to the society in shape of Manufacturing of Brass Components, Distributors, Brass Flare Nuts, Brass flare Connectors, Pressure Relief Valves, Compressor Valves for Hermetic & Semi Hermetic Compressors and Brass Service valves for Split and window Air Conditioners. We also forge Brass parts up to 5000 Gm according to the specifications and drawings of customers.

Our Company is in HVACR Industry for period of more than 40 years. We are famous with our trade mark TEK. We have won State Productivity Award for year 1987 and National Award for year 1988. We are having expertise in brass forged items. We are also providing OEM services to major Multinational Companies

We manufacture Forged Distributors for AC, Forged Connectors, Forged Flare Connectors, Forged Flare Nuts, Forged Service Valves, Forged Adapters etc.

We stress upon Quality Assurance QA rather than control and implement it.

We are regularly Selling: reducer adopters, split ac valves, brass flare fittings, brass forged nuts, service valves, hand shutoff valves, brass distributors, quick lock valves, tube flange unions.

We are regularly Buying: bs:218 forging brass, is-6912 flb forging brass, ptfe, ss 304 ss 303, is - 319 free cutting brass, distributors for fcu ahu, brass flare fittings, copper fittings, split service valves.

Main Business Activities
Base Metals & Articles - Copper & Articles Thereof
Industrial Supplies - Cast & Forged
Industrial Supplies - Valves

Our Products
Brass Flare Fittings & Valves for Air conditioning & Refrigeration
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Konark Industrial Corporation


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Phone: 91-9417-165151     Fax: 91-9417-252660     
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