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Saturday, August 22, 2009

All in One Collagen Wrinkle Mask 全方位胶原面膜

☆布膜採100%天然美國棉安全服貼,高效精華液完全釋放。 ☆獨特添加含維他命E微脂囊,撫平細紋。

Liposome deliver transfer system that encapsulates VitE, deliver it deep into skin effectively. Using 100% cotton USA may quickly release essence into the skin and increase the skin absorbability. This collagen mask helps you to get a firm & elastic skin.

EFFECT: Improves your skin elasticity and adds moisture for nourishment. This formula will implement to your face and make your skin more soft and radiant.


功 效:卓越的保濕力協助肌膚水合凝聚提高肌膚保水機能,賦予肌膚豐富的滋養促進膠原蛋白增生,釋放有效成分供給肌膚提升肌膚彈性與張力達到柔嫩細緻、明亮白皙。 獨特添加含維他命E微脂囊,高效傳輸抗皺成分,撫平細紋。布膜採100%天然美國棉安全服貼,自動感應肌膚溫度,使高效精華液完全釋放。


Coffee Mask 咖啡活颜面膜

Chlorogenic Acid from Coffea Arabica Extract has excellent Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) as well as Hydroxyl Radical Averting Capacity contributing to powerful antioxidant properties. NP Coffee Mask also contains stable vitamin C, licorice extract, natural moisturizing factor (NMF), allantoin.
The perfect formulation create anti-aging, whitening, moisturizing and repairing effects with coffee aroma and make your skin healthier, firmer, younger.

Ingredients : Water, Coffea Arabica (Coffee) Seed Extract, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Allantoin, Xanthan Gum.
Skin Type : Suitable for ALL skin type

生咖啡豆富含綠原酸, 能清除氧的自由基, 展現強大的抗氧化特性, 咖啡活顏面膜這完美配方亦含穩定的維他命C、甘草萃取、天然保濕因子、尿囊素等成份, 在享受咖啡香氣同時達成抗老化、美白、保濕、修復的功效,使肌膚更健康、更緊實、更年輕。

產品成份 : 生咖啡豆萃取、維他命C、甘草萃取、天然保濕因子、尿囊素

適用膚質 :任何膚質

Lotus Mask 蓮香面膜

Lotus Mask has a light soothing lotus fragrance that helps to relax one’s mind. Hyaluronic Acid ingredient helps skin to retain moisture in skin cells, giving you a youthful, supple and radiant complexion.

Effect : Lotus mask helps you get elastic skin and make your skin beautiful with effective.The formula will compliment nutrition, which make your skin soften and radiant.
Ingredients : Water, Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Vitamin E Oil, Lotus Extract.
Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type.


主要功效 : 協助肌膚水合凝聚力, 并釋放有效成份供給肌膚達到柔嫩細致, 明亮白皙, 提供滋潤及保濕肌膚。
主要成份 : 植物胎盤, 玻尿酸, 維他命E。
適合膚質 : 適用於任何膚質, 針對缺水及幹性皮膚。

Aloe Mask 芦荟面膜

1. Skin brightening with moisture replenishment
2. Helps restore skin structure for skin that is soft and radiant
3. Retains & replenishes moisture in skin preventing wrinkles
4. Increase skin cells metabolism and scar healing
5. Prevents occurrence of acne
Ingredients : Water, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitimin E Oil, Aloe Barbadensis leaf juice, Witch Hazel Extract.



Lavender Mask 薰衣草面膜

Effects:1. Stabilize skin’s pH and prevents skin sensitivity
2. To calm and relief stress. Helps to improve sleeping disorder
3. Controls and balance skin oiliness
4. To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
5. To repair sun burn skin
Ingredients : Water, Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Aloe Barbadensis leaf juice, Lavender essence oil, yeast extract.
Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type.

功效:具有镇静安抚肌肤,协助肌肤水合凝聚力, 並释放有效成份供給肌肤,达到柔嫩、细緻、明亮、保湿晒后修复,镇定肌肤. 有好闻的淡淡的薰衣草香味,敏感性肌肤也可用。

Citronnelle Mask 檸檬香茅保濕面膜

The therapeutic properties of citronella extract are antiseptic, bactericidal and deodorant. It also has an excellent effect on clearing the mind. It may be used for combating excessive perspiration and for balancing oily skin, giving the user a dramatic freshening feeling.
Witch hazel extract has a natural alcohol content of 70% and therefore it acts as a natural cooling skin-freshener. It also strengthens the resistance of small blood vessels under the skin helping the skin appear smoother, firmer, more even and less prone to blemishes. It is useful in preventing excess fatty secretions, such as hardened sebum.

* To unclog pores, treat and help prevent pimples, blackheads and whiteheads
* Absorbs excessive sebum and prevents glossy skin.

Ingredients : D.I.Water, Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Vitamin E Oil, Citronnella Extract, Aloe Barbadensis leaf juice.
Skin type : Suitable for Oliy and Acne Skin.

主要功效 : 協助肌膚水合凝聚力, 并釋放有效成份供給肌膚達到柔嫩細致, 明亮白皙, 分解油脂及控油保濕。
主要成份 : 檸檬香茅萃取精華, 玻尿酸, 維他命E油, 胺基酸, 酵素, 植物精油。
適合膚質 : 適用於任何膚質。

Rose Mask 玫瑰面膜

Rose extracts has calming, moisturizing, astringent, and cleaning effects and balances the fatigued skins by supplying nutrients that are needed. Especially, it is helpful to sensitive and weak skin types, leaving it healthy and bright and makes you feel refreshed.

Effect :
1. Rejuvenate cells, refresh dull and tired looking skin
2. Giving your skin a supple and radiant look
3. To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
4. Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity

Ingredients : D.I.Water, Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Aloe Barbadensis leaf juice, Rose Extract, Algae Extract.
Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type.


主要功效 : 協助肌膚水合凝聚力, 并釋放有效成份供給肌膚達到柔嫩細致, 明亮白皙, 保濕美白。
主要成份 : 玫瑰萃取精華, 玻尿酸, 維他命E油, 胺基酸, 酵素, 植物精油, 膠原蛋白。
適合膚質 : 適用於任何膚質。

Lycopen Mask 茄紅素面膜

Lycopene is a natural carotenoid found in red fruits and vegetables has shown to be a powerful antioxidant, with trials demonstrating protective effects against cancers. Hence it is a desirable ingredient to both consume and apply on our skin as it slows down harmful oxidation that damages our skin.
Lycopene is able to soften the deposited dead skin on our face, allowing users of Lycopene masks to have a supple, radiant look. The mask also has a refreshing fragrance of fresh fruits, giving users a relaxing and comfortable feeling.

Effect :1. Gives you a supple, silky and radiant look
2. Exfoliates dead skin cells
3. Possesses antioxidants to prevent skin damage from harmful UV rays
4. Whitening and re-hydration of skin
Ingredients : Lycopen Extract, Vitamin A,C,E, Moisture Albumin, Collagen.
Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type especially those with dry skin and after tanning.


主要功效 : 協助肌膚水合凝聚力, 并釋放有效成份供給肌膚達到柔嫩細致, 明亮白皙, 改善膚色。主要成份 : 西紅柿萃取精華, 玻尿酸, 維他命E油, 胺基酸, 酵素, 植物精油。
適合膚質 : 適用於任何膚質。