Hany Ebtehal - International Marketing and Sales Consultant
United Arab Emirates - Abu Zaby: Trading Company / Agent / Buying Office
Trade Leads
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Welcome to Hany Ebtehal - International Marketing and Sales Consultant website.

Hany Ebtehal - offers clients reliable, quality information and proposals for business development, market development, and channel development that will maximize business development. A true alternative to in-house resources we offer a very high level of practical experience, know-how, contacts, and confidentiality.
H.E. are able to provide comprehensive solutions to clients' problems that will foster business development. Clients must know that working with H.E. is a more professional, less risky way to develop new areas even than working completely in-house with their own people. H.E. must also be able to maintain and delivering an even higher value to its clients. Initial focus will be development of the local market clientele.
"H.E. endeavor to understand customers' business so well as to be able to offer comprehensive solutions to their problems."
H.E. will be focusing on local businesses and foreign investors looking at investing in the U.A.E country.

We are regularly Selling: sales, marketing, development, direct responce services, business services, investment, representative, distributers, agent.

We are regularly Buying: agent, consultant, direct responce services, distributers, investment, marketing, representative, sales, services.

Main Business Activities
Wood - Furniture
Services - Business Services
Services - Marketing & Advertising
Construction - Stone & Marble

Our Products
Sales&Marketing your Products in the United Arab Emirates
Your Marketing and Sales Office at the U.A.E
-->> More Products

United Arab Emirates Companies United Arab Emirates

Hany Ebtehal - International Marketing and Sales Consultant


From time to time we are sending out newsletters about our products / promotions to our existing and future clients. If you would like to be informed, please signup below.
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Announce your company, products and trade leads. Contact both global and local exporters, importers and manufacturers.
Phone: 971-3-7688203     Fax: 971-3-7688204     
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