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A life in PASTA field

Argo Service Co. is result of a life-long experience in pasta field by his founder, Fabio Ancona.

He has been living in pasta production and sale since he was a small child as his home was upstair of pasta factory founded by the grandfather Emilio Alleva.


Emilio emigrated in Venezuela in 1947 and became owner of pasta factory with brand LA UNIVERSAL. After coming back in Italy in 1964 Emilio founded a new plant and started producing PASTA RIVIERA.


Fabio and his brother Valentino studied economy and commerce and as soon as they finished in 1995 they began managing pasta factory. Fabio made experience in production and also commerce taking part to international trade shows  and keeping in touch with international customers to whom gave welcome on the same pasta store where he played with his brother when they were young boys.

The new sales that Fabio and Valentino started abroad allowed them an increasing of factory dimensions and Fabio got also opportunity to manage directly dismantelling of used lines that Pastificio Riviera bought for increasing of production capacity taking good experience in technical field.

Nowadays companies of Ancona family manage manufacturing and export of pasta and organic food (FAVAN WELLNESS Co.) and dealing and services key-hand concerning pasta factories (Argo Service Co.).

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