Your Friends in Your Digital Journey

Fast, Reliable, Secure. From personal websites to online stores you can trust that we've got your back with a secure and reliable experience for you and your customers!

Captain K9, Adams Digital's Mascot

Get your dream website up and running in no time.

Let us handle the hard part so you can focus on what matters - your business!

Step 1: Let's learn about you!

Book a time with us that works for your schedule. We want to learn about you, your business and how we can help!

Step 2: Design Meeting

We'll show you some designs that we've come up with to give you a modern, fast, and gorgeous digital presense.

Step 3: Review & Demo

We're almost there! Let's see what you think and make any final adjustments before we launch your new website!

You're Live!

Watch your customers "Ooh" and "Ahh" at your gorgeous new site!

Steps image

Ready to get started?

Click the button below to find a time that works for you


Why Choose Adams Digital?

We bring a modern approach to managing Your Digital Journey

Domain Name Management

We handle the complicated DNS registration, renewal, and privacy protection for you, so you don't have to.

Simplified Email

We provide managed Microsoft365 accounts for your hosted domains. All plans include unlimited email aliases for you and your business!

Best Practices

Creating secure, efficient, and user-friendly websites that deliver exceptional experiences and lasting value.

Excellent Page Speed

Having a good page speeds impacts organic search ranking, improves user experience (UI/UX), and increases conversion rates.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Strong SEO can boost a website's visibility, which in turn drives organic traffic and enables a wider reach.

We're Your Friends

We know keeping up with all of the changes in technology isn't easy. That's why we're here to partner with you from wherever you're at today.

How We Work

Speed Meets Affordability!

Built on Modern Technologies

Stand out from the competition with managed hosting.

Modern web development practices

Benefiting from the performance of the latest web hosting advancements.

Server-less technology

We cut out the largest pain point of hosting - the servers. This gives you near-zero downtime, and no pesky maintenance windows.

Security by design

Our server-less websites eliminate many of the large concerns with traditional web hosting, leaving you with peace of mind.

Ensure your online presence truly represents you.

High level of customization

Tailor the design effortlessly to match your brand's identity and requirements, making your website distinct and saving you time.

Multiple layout possibilities

Explore various layout options to find the structure that best presents your content, enhancing user engagement and navigation.

Fully responsive design

Ensure your website's optimal performance on various devices and screen sizes, providing a consistent and enjoyable user experience.

Integration of media

Seamlessly incorporate images, videos, and multimedia elements that enhance your content and engage visitors effectively.


Our Most Loved Components

Leverage the power of our most raved about components

Stripe Integration

With our Stripe integration you can embed secure, easy payments directly on your website. Boost sales with a seamless and trusted payment gateway.

Stock Images

Access a vast library of high-quality stock images to enrich your site’s appeal. Elevate your content with stunning visuals that capture attention and engage visitors.

Online Stores

Launch your online store effortlessly with our robust e-commerce solutions. Attract more customers with a sleek, intuitive shopping experience.

Image Galleries

Showcase your work with elegant image galleries. Enhance your site's visual impact and keep visitors engaged with beautiful, easy-to-navigate displays.


Transition your domain to our system seamlessly with zero downtime. Keep your site up and running smoothly while we handle the technical details.

Google MyBusiness

Boost your local visibility with Google My Business integration. Attract more customers by enhancing your online presence on Google Maps and search results.

Maintenance Pages

Keep your site professional during updates with our customizable maintenance pages. Inform visitors effectively while we polish your digital presence.

Contact Forms

Connect easily with your audience using our customizable contact forms. Gather visitor inquiries efficiently, ensuring no message gets missed.

Domain Forwarding

Simplify your web presence with our domain forwarding services. Direct multiple domains to your primary site effortlessly, enhancing your brand visibility.

Stay up to date with our latest news!

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Friends Don't Let Friends Use WordPress

Friends Don't Let Friends Use WordPress

Help your friends make smarter choices for their business websites. Discover why Adams Digital offers a superior, secure, and scalable alternative to WordPress, ensuring your business not only stands out but is also set up for success. Say goodbye to constant updates and hello to performance-driven solutions with Adams Digital.

Why Taking Online Security Seriously is Crucial

Why Taking Online Security Seriously is Crucial

In today's digital landscape, prioritizing online security is essential. Cybercrime, including sophisticated data breaches and ransomware attacks, poses severe risks. Learn how implementing strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and regular updates can protect your digital presence.


Frequently Asked Questions

Check out some of our more commonly asked about topics, if you still have questions, let's chat!

Can I transfer from another service?

Yes! We can transfer your domain(s) from any major hosting service like GoDaddy, Wix, Shopify or WordPress. We will walk you through the process every step of the way. We can also help you transition your email services from Google or another Microsoft account over to our managed M365 accounts.

Can I use my existing website?

Depending on how and where your site was hosted or built there is a possibility that we may be able to transfer your original site to our systems. Due to compatibility and speed reasons we highly recommend one of our design options as these will guarantee fast loading times and compatibility with modern browsers.

How do domain transfers work?

Our team will work directly with you to move your domain from your existing provider and into our system. We will do this via a zoom meeting that will take roughly an hour to complete. Domain transfers generally take 48 hours to process.

Do you offer annual billing?

We do! We offer a small discount for annual billing. Additionally, this is a great option if you prefer to pay by check.

What does zero downtime mean?

Adams Digital uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) for the underlying infrastructure hosting your website. Because of this and our server-less designs we boast a 99.95% uptime. We try our best to shoot for 100% but lets be honest, we are humans and accidents happen, that being said we strive to have less than 4 hours of downtime per year.

Can I have more than one domain?

You can have as many domains as you like! We suggest that you try to buy at least 2 of the common Top Level Domains (TLDs) like .com, .net, .org in case anyone types the wrong one but you can also buy other domains that are common misspellings, shorthand versions or whatever suits your fancy. Domains are a once-yearly renewal and are generally between 12-20 dollars. We charge $3/year for the hosted zone fee on any domain in our system.

Can I forward one domain to another?

Forwarding domains is a great way to catch common misspellings or use shorthand websites for social media and business cards to route to your primary domain. We can forward any domains that you own to your primary domain. We can also add prefixes to your website like or to make cleaner links and for better marketing.

What are Email Aliases?

Email aliases are additional email addresses that route to your primary user email. These can be things like or that you might want to forward to multiple people in your company. We can create any number of email aliases, keep in mind that these aliases will always need to forward to a user account and will not have a mailbox you can log in to.

Can I make my own edits?

As a managed hosting provider we aim to take the technical burden off your back. We know that changes happen and are more than happy to update your website for you. Just send us an email and our team will let you know when the updates are live on your site. Smaller updates will generally be live in 24-48 hours for non-emergency situations.

What happens if I cancel?

We hate losing friends, if you are having an issue please reach out to our support staff to see if we can help. If you are sure that you want to leave, we understand. We will assist you in transitioning your domain(s) out of your system and we will give you an export of your website files that you can use on any compatible service. Please note that due to licensing some stock images used on your website will be stripped during the export.

It's time your business had a fresh new look

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