Institute of Certified Public Accountants Of Nigeria

The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Nigeria with the National headquarters at WUSHISHI HOUSE, NO.AL.10 Wushishi Road by Lagos Street Kaduna, Kaduna State Nigeria; is the only legally Recognized and Authorized Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Nigeria. Registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission. Both houses, the House of Representatives and Senate have passed the bill into law only awaiting the President assent. See the harmonized copies jointly signed by the Senate and the House of Representatives, and also the adoption paper.

Authorization Documents
Senate of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, Order Paper
National Assembly Federal Republic of Nigeria Harmonized Report.. Read more

The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Nigeria was established on 1st May 1988 and incorporated on the 6h May 1996 to provide a part to a recognized professional qualification in accountancy of international standard which would be open to all men and women solely on the basis of education and ability. The Institute is a professional association of Nigerian citizens and an examining body to carter for the shortage of professional accountants in the public and private sectors of the Nigerian economy. Read more

The Institute runs two different types of Programmes namely:- Diploma and Professional. And they are held twice a year, June and December for the Professional and April and October for the Diploma..Read more

There are two main classes of membership of the Institute, namely Certified Public Accountants and Graduate Public Accountants. Persons admitted as members of the Institute shall be designated as Associates and Fellows. Membership is designated by the use of the letters FCPA for fellow and CPA for associate. Graduate public Accountants are not authorized to use any designation whatever. Read more

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The Only Recognized ICPAN in Nigeria