Friday, February 17, 2017

Everyday Organics: Product and Company

1000ml Pure EVERYDAY ORGANICS Noni Juice 
P1500 per bottle 


Noni is Called Heavens Gift fruit, and has been used in the Pacific Islands for more than 2,000 years because of its ability to heal a wide variety of illnesses.

Noni, also known as Morinda citrifolia L, is a small, flowering shrub native to the Pacific islands, Polynesia, Asia, and Australia. It grows to a height of up to 10 feet high, and the leaves are dark green and oval shaped. The flower heads grow to become mature yellow fruit that have a strong odour.

In the Philippines, Noni is a shrub that grows wild in coastal areas known as Apatot or papatot.  Its uses and importance is not known until NonI Juice from US entered the Philippine Market in the nineties, and it was during these manic period, people began to plant noni as price of noni fruits soared to P400 per kilo of ripe noni fruits.

In traditional Polynesian medicine, noni fruit has been used for many health conditions, such as constipation, diarrhea, skin inflammation, infection, and mouth sores. It has an unpleasant odour and taste, so it is believed to be a last resort fruit by many cultures. Tahitian and Hawaiian manufacturers  sweetened noni juice to improve the taste.

Traditionally, the leaves of the noni tree were used topically for healing wounds. It is also being used as feed additives to poultry because of it high protein contents. The fruits and leaves can also be eaten as a cuisine, and a best high protein substitute to taro leaves in “laing” dish.

Noni juice is also being used by Agriculture as a potent organic substitute to harmful antibiotics found in poultry and swine.

Noni juice is a potent source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The antioxidants may help to prevent certain diseases and help slow age-related changes in the body.  It is an energy booster and often used by athletes before play.

              "Let food be thy medicinethy medicine shall be thy food."   -   Hippocrates 

Noni suggest that it may have anti-cancer because of its high level of anti oxidants.  For many people Noni juice has healed arthritis, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Noni is heavily promoted for a very wide variety of conditions, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, bladder infections, boils, bowel conditions, burns, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, circulatory weakness, colds, cold sores, constipation, diabetes, drug addiction, increase libido, eye inflammation, fever, gastric ulcers, gingivitis, headaches, heart disease, hypertension, improved digestion, immune weakness, indigestion, kidney health, malaria, menstrual cramps, menstrual disorders, mouth sores, respiratory disorders, ringworm, sinusitis, skin inflammation, sprains, strokes, thrush, and wounds.  There is nothing wrong with that as these can be back up by testimonies of people who used and benefited from and healed by noni juice. Noni is not a medicine. It is a food supplement.  Truly A Wonder Health Juice.

Prime Commodity. In today’s health conscious generation one of the most important ingredients is to be healthy while growing old.  The product is Noni Juice and other related noni health products.

Herbal Health Products is a million dollar industry worldwide. People who reject senthetic foods and artificial products are going Organics, believing in the universal dogma Health is Wealth. Other popular health products aside from green tea, are garlic, mangosteen, malunggay, papaya, etc.


     The Company. 

     Everyday Organics, is an agricultural company and has been in the business of Production of Noni Juice in the province since 2016.   Business operations began its fermentation and aging of Noni Juice last 2016, where more than 10,000 kilos of Noni Fruits were processed and fermented to perfection quality Noni Juice that has been distributed nationally.  

      Production Capacity

 Potentially, the company has the maximum capacity to expand and produce up to 20,000 liters of Noni Juice if demand requires.

      Social Mission of the Company

Indeed the Company EVERYDAY ORGANICS sincerely advocate a Social Enterprise in consonance with the ideals and philosophy of  health for Filipinos, assist in Education for poor but deserving youths, and protecting the environment for the Glory of God.

1. Advocating Health of Filipinos, by providing quality health and affordable products improving one's well being.
2. Sponsor Scholarships among poor and deserving Students in the community thru the mission advocacy: Christian Education.
3.  In the next five (5) years starting 2023 we envision to plant and grow 10,000 to 20,000 Noni trees in various communities to support government program protecting the environment for greener Philippines.

Bring the full amount of your tithes to the Temple, so that there will be plenty of food there. Put me to the test and you will see that I will open the windows of heaven and pour out on you in abundance all kinds of good things.  

                                                                                                                               -  Malachi 3:10


            Business Address and Noni Processing Center:

            Barangay Matic Matic, Sta Barbara Pangasinan
            Philippines 2419
            email address:
             Contact number: +639222860118


            John Chris Fuentes